Dr. Victor Forys: Get Our Economy Back on Track

Dr. Forys

A Stimulus Package That Focuses On Infrastructure Investment and Getting People Back to Work. 

The Congress and President Obama need to pass an economic stimulus package immediately. A large economic stimulus package, as President Obama has outlined, focused on public investment in infrastructure is a strong start to getting our economy back on track and getting people back to work. But we cannot stop with a stimulus package.

Help Businesses Grow, Hire More Workers. 

Businesses and employees need help too. Businesses need access to credit to make payrolls, buy equipment and purchase raw goods. The “Bailout” this past fall did not open the credit markets as hoped. Banks that received funds are not lending and businesses are suffering. As a Physician and small businessman, Dr. Forys has created jobs knows how to make a payroll and what it takes to run a business.

End Bailouts For Wall Street, Focus On Main Street. 

The United States government needs to spend more money helping middle class families that are struggling; facing foreclosure and have lost their health insurance rather than bailing out Wall Street. Right now, under George Bush, the U.S. is spending trillions on the war in Iraq, bailing out Wall Street banks and giving tax breaks to corporations that outsource jobs overseas. We need to stop this corporate welfare, eliminate these unfair tax breaks and focus on helping Main Street and middle class families.

A Real Middle Class Tax Cut. 

The Middle Class needs a tax cut. We need to get more money into the hands of consumers who will purchase goods and services that will help get our economy moving again.

We have to end tax breaks for companies that send their jobs overseas. American workers are losing their jobs because big corporations find it cheaper to find third-world labor which they can pay far less than American workers, and the big corporations get a tax break for it. That must end.

Tax Credits For Businesses Who Provide Standardized Health Insurance Plan.

Small businesses need help. Victor Forys believes that we must help them create jobs. The U.S Government should help small and medium sized businesses by providing tax credits for funds expended to purchase basic health care for their employees. Standardization of health insurance policies would make that possible. Only the basic health insurance plan would be credited. If companies want to provide more health benefits than contained in the basic plan, they would be able to do so, but would not receive a tax credit for the extra expenditure. He firmly believes we can do more for less if we deregulate small businesses which, in the medical field, are overregulated. He believes that competition and free enterprise can reduce medical expenditures.

Expanding Medicare To Those 50 to 65 Would Reduce Costs For Businesses That Employ Older Workers And Make Them More Competitive. By allowing everyone over 50 to receive Medicare, employers would not have the burden of higher health insurance costs. They would become more competitive and the cost of doing business would go down for these businesses. Because those over 50 have higher health insurance and health care costs, their employers sometimes have an incentive to layoff those workers who cost them more to employ. Under this plan, they would not any incentive to layoff the most experienced and productive workers.

Make U.S. Business More Competitive Around The World By Reducing Health Care Expenses. 

Reducing health care costs and giving tax credits for health insurance would make U.S businesses more competitive in international trade because all of our main trade competitors, the industrialized counties of the world, subsidize their industry by providing health care to workers free of charge to those companies.

Increase Entrepreneurship Opportunities and Grow Small Businesses with Portable Health Insurance. A portable and consistent health insurance policy, regardless of work status, would allow individuals the freedom to start small businesses without the fear of being uninsured. Many workers stay in jobs they do not like simply because they have good health benefits. Unhappy workers are non-productive workers. If they had a way to keep their health insurance, they would be more likely to start new businesses that would hire employees, pay taxes and help grow our economy.

Dr. Victor Forys is running to replace Rahm Emmanuel in the fifth congressional district special election.   He leads his opponents Mike Quigley, Sara Feigenholtz, and John Fritchey in early voting.