Dr. Victor Forys: “Give Immigrants a Fair Shake”

Dr. Forys

Create A Dependable and Workable Guest Worker Program. 

A Guest worker program is vital to preserve our agriculture businesses and other businesses that rely on foreign or migrant labor. Companies need seasonal employees and those individuals who were seasonal employees when our nation had borders that were more open to migration need to be able to depend on a new guest worker system. Not only is it an economic issue, it is a human issue. We must stop senseless deaths of people trying to cross borders in desolate areas risking their lives to become seasonal workers.

End the Backlogs Of People Who Have Applied to Come To The U.S. From Other Counties. 

We must work to quickly end the years-long backlog of applications for those people who have followed the law and are waiting. Too many people who want to become productive members of our society and economy are waiting for years to come to this country.

Pass The DREAM Act.

 We must pass the DREAM Act. The DREAM Act allows students who are the American-born children of undocumented workers to receive the in-state tuition rates that children whose parents are citizens receive.

Stop Families From Being Torn Apart.

All too often, families are torn apart because of government crackdowns. This should end. No one benefits from tearing families apart. Families are also split apart by the backlog of immigration applications which can take years to process.

Ensure Immigration Applicants Are Treated With Dignity. 

We must make sure that the people who apply to come to this country are treated with dignity. Many people who apply for citizenship or apply to come to this country are treated as inhuman by the system. These are people and they must be treated as people. There should be a system put in place that will allow the complaints of people who are being processed to be investigated without jeopardizing their status or application.

Modify or Eliminate the Social Security Windfall Elimination Provision. 

Dr. Forys We must modify or eliminate the Social Security Windfall Elimination Provision which unfairly applied to immigrants, or those who worked in foreign countries. This provision was never meant to be applied to immigrants.

Dr. Victor Forys said, “Immigrants built Chicago and we need to work with immigrants to assimilate them into the mainstream of our society.  Reforming our laws, and being more tolerant of immigrants are the best two ways to do that,” said Dr. Victor Forys.

Dr, Victor Forys is running to replace Rahm Emmanuel in the United States Congress.   His opponents are Mike Quigley, Sara Feigenholtz, and John Fritchey.   Exit polling of early voters has Dr. Victor Forys leading all candidates in early votes.