Crimea Noviy Svet-Golitsin Path

Treasure house of monuments of different cultures

Crimea Noviy Svet-Golitsin Path CRIMEA is one of the most interesting sites in the world. It is really worth a long trip to see the beauty of that Black Sea penin­sula, bewitching with its magnificent natural beauty and amazing because of the blending here of cultures and civili­zations. Crimea has a long and uniqu­ely interesting history. It offers tourists not only comparatively new palaces and parks, but also remains of ancient towns and ruins of medieval stron­gholds. There are no literally. “native” in­habitants on Crimean Peninsula. It is the real Babel Tower of nationalities: Rus­sians (over 65%), Ukrainians (approx. 20%), Tatars (10%), Georgians, Jews, Germans, Armenians, Bulgarians, Gre­eks, Belarusian, and Poles, of course.


Map of Old Town Lublin

Lublin – a City Where History and Future Intertwine

Map of Old Town Lublin Lublin, the largest city in southeastern Poland, is well endowed with historic buildings. It is also an important center of academic life and a city marked with Jewish culture.

The city, with the first permanent settlement on its site estimated to be in the 6th or 7th century, has seen and experienced a lot. A target for attacks (Tatars, Swedes, Germans), was destroyed and rebuilt, but also thrived as a great trade center and a meeting place for Polish and Lithuanian nobles. In 1944, after Lublin had been liberated from the Nazis, Poland’s first communist government arrived here on the tanks of the Red Army, making Lublin the capital of Poland for awhile.


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Fotoreportaż ze spotkania młodzieży z Papieżem Benedyktem XVI

Drodzy Państwo, tym razem nie będzie to relacja z Chicago, bowiem z biurem podróży Saint Bernard Travel (organizacja na 5+), ja i 50 innych osób (głównie młodzież) udaliśmy się na pielgrzymkę do Yonkers pod Nowym Jorkiem, aby uczestniczyć w sobotę 19 kwietnia w spotkaniu młodzieży i seminarzystów z Papieżem Benedyktem XVI.
