Dr. Al Bowman (right) , the President of ISU and Prof. Jerzy Skubis, ( left) Rector of Opole University of Technology signed the Agreement on cooperation between ISU and PO
Polska - Poland

Agreement between Polish and American University

The Illinois State University and Opole University of Technology (Politechnika Opolska), Poland  signed an  Agreement on cooperation. The event took place in Opole on Oct. 7, 2008. Dr. Al Bowman, the President of ISU and Prof. Jerzy Skubis, Rector of Opole University of Technology signed the official document.

The agreement talks about developing strong academic cooperation in teaching, research and other areas of academic interests related to both academic institutions.

[caption id="attachment_27300" align="alignleft" width="610"]Dr. Al Bowman (right) , the President of ISU and Prof. Jerzy Skubis, ( left)  Rector of Opole University of Technology signed the Agreement on cooperation between ISU and PO Dr. Al Bowman (right) , the President of ISU and Prof. Jerzy Skubis, ( left) Rector of Opole University of Technology signed the Agreement on cooperation between ISU and PO [/caption]Dr. Al Bowman led to Opole, Poland a 10. member delegation from the state Illinois. It shows a high commitment from the American academic institution. Illinois State University has about 23,000 students. It is the state of Illinois‘ first public university, founded in 1857. The official documents for the inauguration were signed by Abraham Lincoln, who later became the President of the United States.


John McCain
Stany Zjednoczone - USA

Letter from Presidential Candidate Senator John McCain to Polonia

October 29, 2008

John McCainMr. Frank Spula
Polish American Congress
1612 K Street, NW  Suite 410
Washington, DC 20006

Dear Mr. Spula,

I share your concern about Poland’s exclusion from the U.S. visa waiver program. Poland is not only a steadfast and valued ally of the United States, we have the potential of growing to be much closer partners than we are now. Requiring visas from Poles seeking to travel here is inconsistent with our current relationship, not to mention the deeper and broader relationship we must work together to foster. I support the inclusion of Poland in the visa waiver program and will make it a top priority of my administration to make it happen.


John Poul II
Świat - World

John Paul II – The Poet Pope

John Poul IIT’was 30 years ago that a wisp of white smoke wafted o’er the Vatican City and in a flash the Word circled ‘round the world.  “We have a non-Italian Pope, Karol Wojtyla of Poland!”  Almost immediately, Diana Kwiatkowski saw in Pope John Paul II “a poetic spirit with a powerful impact on the people of a troubled time as relayed by modern day poets.”

Inspired by the thought, she undertook to edit and publish an anthology, which took a year to gather.  In the introduction to the book, THE POET POPE (KAROL WOJTYLA) Pope John Paul II, (Gusto Press 1980), Ms. Kwiatkowski explained that “In this book, forty poets, from all walks of life, and many religions, and from many countries, including far-away India, write about the Pope, a fellow-poet Pope – who has touched not only the world, but themselves individually, and they show how the ordinary man and woman has been affected by this sensitive, humanistic, lovable, and at times, humorous man.”  She goes on to write, “Through the hearts and talents of 40 gifted contributors, we poetically present a portion of his life and work to you.”


Buisness Centre Club
Polska - Poland

Prezydencie nie strasz


Business Centre ClubPrzez chwilę, po posiedzeniu Rady Gabinetowej wydawało się, że prezydent Lech Kaczyński potrafi słuchać argumentów merytorycznych i w swojej działalności kierować się odpowiedzialnością. Niestety z jego ostatnich wypowiedzi wynika, że wrócił do stronniczej retoryki politycznej, w dodatku szkodliwej.

Straszenie ludzi wzrostem cen w wyniku wprowadzenia euro i dodatkowo podkreślanie, że miałoby ono w największym stopniu dotyczyć ludzi ubogich, jest wprowadzaniem społeczeństwa w błąd i utrwalaniem szkodliwych stereotypów.

Nie ma żadnych rzetelnych opracowań, które mogłyby potwierdzić, że euro doprowadziło do znacznego wzrostu cen. Inflacja w państwach przyjmujących euro była często wynikiem innych czynników, a wspólna waluta doprowadziła przeciętnie do wzrostu inflacji o 0,14-0,29 proc. (wg Eurostatu). Podobne wnioski dotyczą doświadczeń najnowszych członków strefy euro, tj. Słowenii, Malty i Cypru.


Recording Academy Chicago Chapter President Peter Strand with Joan Hammel / Photo by Theresa Carter

Grammy Awards Honor Joan Hammel

Joan Hammel was honored this month by the Recording Academy for her years of membership and for supporting its education, advocacy and human service initiatives.  It was presented at the Hotel Sax in Chicago during a special event celebrating membership.  Ms. Hammel was one of four recipients that evening presented by the Chicago Chapter President Peter Strand and the Executive Director Tera Healy.

[caption id="attachment_27268" align="alignnone" width="500"]Recording Academy Chicago Chapter President Peter Strand with Joan Hammel / Photo by Theresa Carter Recording Academy Chicago Chapter President Peter Strand with Joan Hammel / Photo by Theresa Carter [/caption]
Ms. Hammel Chaired the Education Committee of the Grammy Awards organization for many years in Chicago including planning the Grammy in the Schools initiative where music professionals in different fields spend the day with high school age students.  This program, started in
Chicago, is now a national program for the organization reaching thousands of kids annually.  She served on the Grammys Board of Governors, and was a part of the first all female President/Vice President team in Academy history.   Her music as a vocalist and songwriter were on the Grammy Awards Nominations Ballot in different categories over several years.


AT&T representatives helping customers in language
Business News

AT&T Announces New Service Line For Polish – Speakers in Midwest

AT&T Call Center Launches New Dedicated Polish-Language Line for Polish-Speakers in Midwestern U.S. Region.

[caption id="attachment_27260" align="alignnone" width="400"]AT&T representatives helping customers in languageAT&T representatives helping customers in language[/caption]
October 27, 2008 — As part of ongoing efforts to provide customers with services that are relevant and convenient to them, AT&T Inc. (NYSE:T) today announced a new service support line available to Polish-speakers throughout the Midwest region.

The new service line provides billing and technical support, and offers the ability to order AT&T products and services in the customers’ native language. AT&T’s Polish-speaking customers will be able to dial 1-800-417-1588 to access additional support services in-language, including U-Verse and AT&T Wireless.


Polonia w USA
Stany Zjednoczone - USA

Polonia w Proszku

Amerykańska Polonia traci na znaczeniu. Ani Obama, ani McCain nie zabiegali o jej głosy przed nadchodzącymi wyborami.

Polonia w USAKiedy na początku października Polonia obchodziła 400. rocznicę przybycia Polaków do Ameryki (wsławili się m.in <http://m.in> . zorganizowaniem pierwszego strajku na kontynencie), żaden z kandydatów do objęcia władzy w Białym Domu: ani republikanin John McCain, ani demokrata Barack Obama, nie zaszczycił obchodów w historycznym Jamestown. Nie był to przypadek czy 0wynik napiętego kalendarza kampanii przedwyborczej: 9 milionów Amerykanów polskiego pochodzenia ma po prostu coraz mniej do powiedzenia.

Choć w USA stanowimy ósmą pod względem wielkości grupę etniczną, latem tego roku senator Obama ominął Polskę szerokim łukiem podczas światowego tournée (mimo że syn prof. Zbigniewa Brzezińskiego, Mark, jest jednym z jego doradców). Najwidoczniej sztab ekspertów doradzający Obamie po analizie baz danych uznał, że wizyta w kolebce Solidarności nie przysporzy demokracie zbyt wielu głosów, bo Polonia jest grupą o słabnącym znaczeniu: nawet okręg wyborczy obejmujący bastion polskości, czyli chicagowskie Jackowo, reprezentuje kongresmen Rahm Emanuel, polityk pochodzenia żydowskiego.


Chicago Fire

Chicago Fire Announces 2008 Year – End Awards Recipients

Busch Earns Fire MVP while Soumare, Rolfe, and Gutierrez are also honored

Chicago FireBRIDGEVIEW, Ill. (Oct. 27, 2008) – Chicago Fire Soccer is proud to announce the 2008 Chicago Fire year-end awards for Fire Most Valuable Player, Defender of the Year, Golden Boot, the USSF Humanitarian of the Year.

2008 Chicago Fire Most Valuable Player: Jon Busch

Chicago Fire goalkeeper Jon Busch is the only Fire player to start and play 90 min. in every MLS match this season.  Through his 2700 minutes, Busch posted the best saves percentage in the league (78.2) after making 122 saves on 156 shots faced.  With 10 shutouts, Busch tied for most shutouts in the league, while also tying a Fire single season shutout record shared with Matt Pickens for his 10 shutouts in 2007.   On Oct. 18, Busch saved a 17th minute penalty kick attempt at Toronto and for the first time in team history, the Fire did not concede a single penalty kick in regular season play. The Fire goalkeeper posted the second lowest goals-against average (1.1) in the league, and in team history with just 33 goals scored in 30 games.  


Polish Army
Stany Zjednoczone - USA

Polish Army Major Receives Army Commendation Medal

Polish Army
Polish army Maj. Tomasz Semeniuk, resident of
Wroclaw, Poland, receives an Army Commendation Medal from U.S. Army Brig. Gen. William D. Frink, Jr., commander of the 311th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait on Oct. 25, 2008.


White House
Stany Zjednoczone - USA

PAC – White House Conference Call

White HousePolish American Congress (PAC), Washington DC, October 21, 2008 – In response to a letter from Frank J. Spula, president of the Polish American Congress, to President George W. Bush in regards to the Visa Waiver Program (VWP), Spula received today an invitation from the White House to a conference call to discuss the issues presented in the communiqué (full text available at: http://www.polamcon.org/presoffice/let-Bush-081017.pdf).

The conference call took place this afternoon between Spula; Adam Sterling, director for Central and European Affairs, National Security Council, and Brian McCormack, special assistant to the President and Deputy Director of Public Liaison at the White House.

The White House representatives assured the Polish American Congress that, “President Bush is a supporter of Poland, as well as of Poland as a part of the Visa Waiver Program; the President was disappointed that this not happen.” They blamed the failure to include Poland in the bill signed by Mr. Bush on the actions of the U.S. Congress.
