
Bensenville Vows to Appeal, Pledges to Continue David v. Goliath Battle With Daley

Bensenville Today’s Devastating Court Ruling Threatens Public Health of Bensenville Residents

(Bensenville, IL) –  In a move which threatens the health of every man, woman and child who calls the Village of Bensenville home, today DuPage County Circuit Court Judge Kenneth L. Popejoy ruled against the Village and agreed to lift a public health injunction blocking Chicago from destroying hundreds of homes and businesses. 

Village President John C. Geils along with local residents and community representatives vowed to appeal the decision.  Earlier Thursday they held a press conference to highlight well documented health concerns surrounding the bulldozing and urged Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley not to turn their community into another Meigs Field.


Seal of the State of Illinois

Jesse White and Alexi Giannoulias Add Payment Options at Drivers Facilities Statewide

Seal of the State of Illinois Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White and Illinois State Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias announced that customers can now use MasterCard, American Express and Discover credit or debit cards to pay driver’s license and identification card fees, as well as vehicle renewals and registrations.

White initiated this project as part of his effort to continue to provide the public with additional, more convenient services.

“Customer service continues to be one of my top priorities,” White said.  “We are constantly looking at ways to offer customers more options when it comes to serving their driving and identification needs.  We believe that offering the public this additional payment option will enhance their experience with our office.  We are very pleased to work with Treasurer Giannoulias to give customers the opportunity to pay for their transactions with their credit and debit cards.”


Seal of the State of Illinois

Governor Blagojevich Signs Legislation to Increase Protections for Domestic Violence Victims

Seal of the State of Illinois Cindy Bischof Law allows courts to order that abuser wear GPS tracking device as condition of bail in stalking situations

CHICAGO – Joined by a bipartisan group of state legislators, domestic violence prevention advocates and the family of domestic abuse victim Cindy Bischof, Governor Rod R. Blagojevich today signed legislation to strengthen protections for domestic violence victims from their abusers. Senate Bill 2719, sponsored by State Senator Susan Garrett (D-Highwood) and State Representative Suzanne Bassi (R-Palatine), allows the courts to order an abuser to wear a GPS tracking device as a condition of bail in instances when a restraining order has been violated.

The legislation was sparked by the tragic event surrounding the death of Cindy Bischof whose ex-boyfriend was able to obtain a gun and shoot her in the parking lot of her real estate business, even after he had been arrested and prosecuted for violating a restraining order on two occasions.


Rush University Medical Center

Rush University Medical Center Named Among ‘100 Most Wired Hospitals’ for Seventh Consecutive Year

Rush University (Chicago) – Rush University Medical Center has once again achieved recognition on the list of the “100 Most Wired Hospitals” according to the results of the 2008 Most Wired Survey and Benchmarking Study, published in the July issue of Hospitals & Health Networks. This is the seventh year Rush has been named to the list.

Rush was also named among the Most Wireless Hospitals, a list of the 25 organizations that scored highest on the survey questions focused on wireless applications.

Since 1999, Hospitals & Health Networks, a publication of the American Hospital Association, ha surveyed the nation’s hospitals on their use of information technology to accomplish key goals, including safety and quality objectives. Based on a detailed scoring process, the magazine annually names the 100 Most Wired Hospitals and Health Systems. This year, 556 hospitals and health systems completed the survey, representing 1,327 hospitals.



Chicagowska Noc Wenecka z polskim akcentem

To była wyjątkowa noc, 26 lipca, 2008 w Chicago. Ponad 35 łodzi (jachtow i motorówek) przystrojonych według tegorocznego motywu przewodniego : “Summer’s Favorite City” – Chicago – Ulubione Miasto Sezonu Letniego,” przepłynęło od Shedd Aquarium do ChicagoYacht Club przy Monroe.

Około 665,000 tyś widzów stojąc na linii nabrzeża jeziora Michigan podziwiało   paradę pięknie przybranych, bajecznie rozświetlonych,  roztańczonych, rozśpiewanych łodzi, kóre swym urokiem uwodziły tak miłośników morza jak i szczury lądowe…

Noc Wenecka  jest  najstarszą imprezą w Chicago. W roku 1959, Chicago Yachting Association na prośbę  ówczesnego  burmistrza  Richarda J. Daley’ego  zorganizowało  pierwszą Noc Wenecką tak już pozostało do dnia dzisiejszczego. W tym roku przypadła 51 rocznica tej imprezy, której  głównymi sponsorami byli: Chicago Yachting Association i The Mayor’s Office of Special Events.  


Lech Kaczyński
Polska - Poland

Uroczystości z okazji 64. Rocznicy Wybuchu Powstania Warszawskiego

Lech Kaczyński

3 sierpnia 2008 r. Prezydent Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej Lech Kaczyński wraz z Prezydentem Republiki Estońskiej Toomasem Hendrikiem Ilvesem wzięli udział w uroczystości obchodów 64. Rocznicy Wybuchu Powstania Warszawskiego w Parku Wolności na terenie Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego.

Podczas wystąpienia Prezydent RP powiedział:

„Szanowny Panie Prezydencie Republiki Estonii, Szanowne Panie i Panowie Ministrowie, Pani Prezydent, i przede wszystkim Szanowni Kombatanci!


Brak grafiki
Business News

Price Worries Grow

By Steven Muller

Core inflation rose to 3.4 percent in June, data from the National Bank of Poland showed on Tuesday, adding to concerns that price growth may remain high this and next year despite signs the economy is slowing on the back of weaker growth in western Europe.

Headline inflation, which measures the change in prices paid in shops and for goods and services elsewhere, also rose faster than most analysts expected, to 4.6 percent last month. Popular concerns over prices are tempered by continuing double-digit growth of wages – but the national bank’s interest rate setting committee says that it may yet need to raise rates further in the next couple of months to make sure price growth slows in the months ahead. High wage growth increases consumer demand, which in turn tends to allow retailers to raise prices more.Wage data last week showed company wages rose 12 percent year-on-year in June to PLN 3,215.32 or EUR 960 per month, the Central Statistical Office (GUS) said in a report Tuesday.


Zbigniew Ziobro
Polska - Poland

Save Ziobro

By Steven Muller Opposition Law and Justice MPs brought parliament’s rules commission to a standstill this week in a protest against attempts to charge PiS former Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro with improperly distributing state secrets. […]

Irena Sendler
Stany Zjednoczone - USA

Pani Irena Sendler – Rezolucja Izby Reprezentantów

Irena Sendler Senator Barack Obama o polskiej bohaterce Pani Irenie Sendler

Senator Barack Obama, prawdopodobny kandydat Partii Demokratycznej do Białego Domu jest inicjatorem rezolucji Senatu USA upamiętniającej bohaterską Polkę Irenę Sendler.

Senator Obama zgłosił rezolucję w tej sprawie 29 lipca 2008 r.

“W czasie największej tragedii XX wieku, Irena Sendler poświęciła się dla ratowania tysięcy dzieci przed tragicznym przeznaczeniem, w obliczu którego stanęli polscy Żydzi” – powiedział Senator Obama. „Miłowała ludzką godność, utożsamiała bezinteresowność, inspirowała nadzieję” – podkreślił Senator. Wskazał on, że w ciągu całego życia Pani Irena Sendler była podziwiana za nadzwyczajną odwagę i niezłomną postawę.


The Polish Museum of America

The 28th Annual Summer Ball of the Polish Museum of America

The Polish Museum of America

Chicago, IL – The 28th Annual Summer Ball of the Polish Museum of America was held on June 20, 2008 at the Wyndham O’Hare Hotel Ballroom in Rosemont, IL. This is the Museum’s main fundraiser of the year, which included a Silent Auction as well as several raffles.

The Ballroom was an array of color with white cloth-covered chairs tied with red bows and  tables beautifully decorated with Polish-themed centerpieces of wild poppies with sheaves of wheat.

The Silent Auction and reception began at 6:30 pm. Jenny Crissey was Chair-person of the Silent Auction, which offered an assortment of jewelry, paintings, tickets to sporting events, resorts and restaurants and themed baskets of goodies.

Hot appetizers were served during the reception and the Pulaski Investment Corporation sponsored a Sobieski Vodka Tasting all evening.
