Amtrak Train
Stany Zjednoczone - USA

Rep. Lipinski hails passage of landmark bill to help fund Metra and Amtrak improvements and increase safety

Amtrak Train [Washington, DC]  Today Congressman Dan Lipinski (IL-3), northern Illinois’ only member of the powerful House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, helped pass H.R. 2095, the Rail Safety Improvement Act of 2008.  The landmark legislation is the first major update to federal laws on rail safety and Amtrak for over a decade.  It includes a number of new grant programs requested by Congressman Lipinski that could benefit Illinois


Dzerzhinsky 1919
Świat - World

Duma Deputies Applaud Proposal to Restore Dzerzhinsky Statue to Lubyanka Square

By Paul Goble

Dzerzhinsky 1919 Vienna, September 19 – The removal of the statue of Feliks Dzerzhinsky, founder of the Soviet secret police, from in front of KGB headquarters in Moscow was an iconic moment in the collapse of communism there in 1991, a step that many saw as a guarantee that the kind of repression he sponsored would never return.

But yesterday, members of a Duma committee applauded a proposal by the country’s former deputy procurator general to restore the statue of the first Chekist to its former place of honor, yet another indication of the way in which the political pendulum is swinging in the Russian Federation at the present time.

And even the possibility that Dzerzhinsky will again stand in Moscow gives especial urgency to a proposal by the Czech government this week to set up a Europe-wide center for the study of totalitarianism and its victims so that nothing will be forgotten lest the kind of historical revisionism Russia is now engaging in open the way for new horrors.


Tadeusz Seidel

Chicago Artist Tadeusz Seidel Supports Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation Chicago Chapter Benefit

Tadeusz Seidel
, IL
(PRWEB) Tadeusz Seidel, Chicago fine artist, announced his donation of a painting to the silent auction during Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation’s Chicago Chapter Benefit.

The event will be hosted by Chelsea Handler of E!’s Chelsea Lately and will take place on Sunday, October 26, 2008 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at House of Blues Chicago.

This benefit celebrates the launch of the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation’s Chicago Chapter and all proceeds from the event will go towards fulfilling the Reeve Foundation’s mission. In addition to Chelsea Handler’s comedic performance, the event will also feature a buffet dinner, premium bar, a silent auction, and a brief update on the state of spinal cord injury research.


First Polish Settlers
Stany Zjednoczone - USA

Jamestown Commemoration-October 1

First Polish Settlers Four hundred years ago on October 1, 1608, the first Poles set foot in the New World in Jamestown, Virginia. These Polish craftsmen, skilled in the production of glass, tar, pitch and wood, arrived at the invitation of Captain John Smith, who had encountered them in Europe and knew of their skills and industry. They started the movement of Poles who left their homeland in search of opportunity and freedom and were directly responsible for the success of the Jamestown Colony.

In 1619, they laid the foundation for the labor movement in the U.S. Precluded from voting by the Governor of Virginia, they successfully led the first strike for equal rights. They said, “no vote, no work.” Such was their value to the colony that they were granted the right to vote. The Polish American Congress invites you to participate in the 400th anniversary commemoration to honor the first Poles’ arrival and their invaluable contributions to the New World on Wednesday, October 1, 2008, at the Jamestown Settlement in Virginia.


Business News

Annual Fall Fashion Show “Steppin’ Out In Southland Style”

Matteson, Illinois — The Chicago Southland Chamber’s Annual Fall Fashion Show, “Steppin’ Out In Southland Style”, will be held on Wednesday, October 1, 2008, from 5:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at the Holiday Inn-Matteson, 500 Holiday Plaza, Matteson, Illinois.  The fashion show is sponsored by the Chamber’s Platinum Sponsor Charter One Bank in association with Super Co-Host Lincoln Mall. 

5:30 p.m. Registration and Vendor Boutique

6:30 p.m. Dinner

7:45 p.m. Fashion Show

9:00 p.m. Afterglow Networking

See the latest in men’s & women’s fashions to live, work, shop, play and celebrate provided by Lincoln Mall’s most popular stores, which is sure to make this Southland Fashion Show stand out amongst the rest.



Governor Blagojevich Reminds Motorists that Task Force is Inspecting Gas Stations to Ensure Fair Practices

Consumers are Encouraged to Report Complaints if They Feel They Have Been Cheated

Seal of the State of Illinois CHICAGO – As gas prices rise in the wake of Hurricane Ike, Governor Rod R. Blagojevich today reminded motorists that the Illinois Department of Agriculture and its SWAT (State Wide Action Team) are inspecting gas pumps to make sure that motorists aren’t shorted at the pump. Illinoisans are also encouraged to file complaints if they believe they are not getting the gas that they are paying for. 

“With gas prices reflecting the destruction of Hurricane Ike in the Gulf Coast, I want to remind Illinoisans that we have inspectors hard at work to make sure everyone gets every ounce of gas they paid for,” said Governor Blagojevich, “During the unstable economic times we live in, I want to ensure that every dollar goes as far as possible.”


Radosław Sikorski

Minster Spraw Zagranicznych RP Sikorski w Chicago

Radosław Sikorski Radosław Sikorski, Minister Spraw Zagranicznych RP dokonał w poniedziałek, 8 września uroczystego otwarcia odnowionego Konsulatu RP w Chicago, mieszczącego się w centrum miasta, przy pięknej ulicy położonej tuż przy jeziorze Michigan – Lake Shore Drive.

Autorem projektu renowacji Konsulatu RP w Chicago jest inż. Cianciara. Siedziba Konsulatu jzaliczana jest do  obiektów zabytkowych.

W uroczystości wzięło udział około 300 osób: działaczy polonijnych, duchownych, przedstawicieli organizacji polonijnych i przedstawicieli tutejszych mediów polonijnych.

Gospodarzami spotkania był Zygmunt Matynia, Konsul Generalny oraz Paweł Pietrasieński, Z-ca konsula Generalnego. W uroczystości wzięło udział kilku czołowych przedstawicieli polskiego Ministerstwa Spraw Zagranicznych: Andrzej Jaroszyński, Dyrektor Departament Ameryki, Cezary Król, Sekretariat MSZ, Andrzej Jasionowski, odpowiedzialny za współracę z Polonią w MSZ, Robert Kupiecki, ambasador RP w Waszyngtonie.


Na fotografii od lewej: Maria Cieśla, Prezydent Muzeum Polskiego (z tyłu), Wallace Ozog, Prezes Zarządu Muzeum Polskiego oraz Jan Loryś, Dyrektor Muzeum Polskigo wręczają Dyplomy Uznania.

Wolontariusze „Sercem Muzeum Polskiego”

[caption id="attachment_27000" align="alignleft" width="600"]Na fotografii od lewej: Maria Cieśla, Prezydent Muzeum Polskiego (z tyłu), Wallace Ozog, Prezes Zarządu Muzeum Polskiego oraz Jan Loryś, Dyrektor Muzeum Polskigo wręczają Dyplomy Uznania. Na fotografii od lewej: Maria Cieśla, Prezydent Muzeum Polskiego (z tyłu), Wallace Ozog, Prezes Zarządu Muzeum Polskiego oraz Jan Loryś, Dyrektor Muzeum Polskigo wręczają Dyplomy Uznania.[/caption]CHICAGO: Muzeum Polskie w Ameryce zorganizowało specjalne przyjęcie 21 sierpnia, na którym podziękowano Wolontariuszom za  ich ochotniczą pracę  na rzecz Muzeum. Ochotnicy przepracowali wspólnie kilka tysięcy godzin charytatywnie na rzecz Muzeum. Wolontariuszy  określono jako „Serce Muzeum Polskiego” (Volunteers are the Heart of the Museum”).

Dziękowano również wielu przedstawicielom mediow polonijnych jak i polskich za nagłaśnianie działalności prowadzonej przez Muzeum Polskie. Wśród mediów znalazlo się podziękowanie dla POLISH NEWS i jego wydawcy  Krystyny Teller,  dzięki któremu Czytelnicy na całym świecie mogą mieć informacje na temat  ważnych wydarzeń jakie odbywają się w Muzeum Polskim.


Stocznia Gdańska - Shipyard Gdansk Poland 1980
Polska - Poland

Kolejna rocznica sierpniowych strajków

31 sierpnia 1980 r., w Stoczni Gdańskiej komunistyczne władze reprezentowane przez Komisję Rządową oraz Międzyzakładowy Komitet Strajkowy podpisały dokument umożliwiający tworzenie wolnych związków zawodowych. Porozumienie to, wraz z porozumieniami w Szczecinie i Jastrzębiu, zakończyło falę protestów robotniczych i strajków.


Dr. Thaddeus Radzilowski
Stany Zjednoczone - USA

ACPC 60TH Annual Convention at Williamsburg, VA

Dr. Thaddeus Radzilowski By Jo Louise Winters 

The 60th Annual Convention of the American Council for Polish Culture (ACPC) took place in Colonial Williamsburg, VA in August 2008.  The opening ceremonies included singing of the American and Polish anthems lead by Mary Ann Evan and Jaroslaw Golembiowski.  Attired in the garb of an Englishman of the 1600’s, a “Speaker of the House of Burgess” presented a fascinating account of the political development and growth of the Jamestown Colony.

After welcoming remarks by Convention Co-Chairs Deborah Majka and Richard Wiermanski, President Thaddeus Mirecki officially opened the Convention.
