Torture Inquiry and Relief Commission

Illinois Torture Inquiry and Relief Commission Publishes Proposed Rules

Proposed Rules Include Information on How Individuals Can File Torture Claims


 CHICAGO–June 9, 2011. The Illinois Torture Inquiry and Relief Commission (ITIRC) published proposed rules on the overall process of reviewing torture claims, including how alleged victims of torture can file claims with the Commission.


ITIRC Chair and retired Judge Patricia Brown Holmes and Executive Director David C. Thomas announced that the proposed rules provide a streamlined approach for individuals to file complaints and details how the decision-making process will apply to claims.


The Commission published the proposed rules in the Illinois Register (Vol. 35, Issue 22) on May 27.  A copy of the proposed rules is available on the Commission’s website:


The Commission was created by Governor Pat Quinn to investigate claims of convicted persons who claim they were tortured into confessing to the crime for which they were convicted and that their confessions were used to obtain their convictions. Current priority is given to claims alleging torture by former Chicago Police Department detective and Commander Jon Burge or officers under his supervision.

Interested persons may comment on the proposed rules by writing to the following address:  Illinois Torture Inquiry and Relief Commission, c/o Executive Director David C. Thomas, 160 N. LaSalle, Room N560, Chicago, IL 60601 or may call (312) 814-4662 to comment.