Zła zmiana, po dobrej zmianie – zamieszanie wokół certyfikacji pomp ciepła

dr Adam Nocoń

Quite recently, on April 24 this year. the government announced that only heat pumps with a European certificate, issued by accredited laboratories, will receive an entry on the UTI list. Less than three weeks later, NFOŚiGW introduced changes to regulations that … return the entire project to the starting point.

It was supposed to be – so that a given heat pump model could be introduced to the Polish market, it would have to have a certificate issued by an accredited laboratory located in the European Union. Why so? That all its parameters and the entire standard according to which the device is assessed are taken into account. „Consultations with the social side have been ongoing for over a year regarding changes in the regulations of the ZUM List and the Clean Air Program, in which associations such as PORTPC, SPIUG as well as the Chamber of Commerce for RES Equipment participated. From the very beginning of the consultation, expectations were known as to the principles of the Program and all parties had nearly a year to prepare for them. Interestingly, then no one proposed that was finally accepted questioned. ” – notes dr Adam Nocoń, president of the Chamber of Commerce for RES Equipment.

Everything seemed already established, until suddenly, on May 10, the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management proposed changes to – extension of the range of devices approved for entry on the UTI list. „Allowing the registration of devices on the ZUM list for Clean Air, the so-called Keymark, EHPA Q and Eurovent quality labels will cause the Polish market to be flooded again with heat pumps of dubious quality and to expose the Polish, unconscious whole situation of the beneficiary, for the purchase of devices with inflated parameters ” –comments Dr. Adam Nocoń.

What may be the consequences of extending the UTI list? „Poland has so far pursued the „ open door policy ”, without applying any requirements to heat pumps. This meant that we were the largest importer in Europe of Asian heat pumps of unconfirmed quality
and efficiency. The result is that many beneficiaries of the Clean Air Program have been deceived and today are struggling with „ horror accounts ”, and trust in heat sources such as heat pumps has dropped significantly. There is a concern that if we do not heal the system, the Polish consumer will be discouraged from heat pump technology for years due to the increasing number of cases of their malfunction. ” –
explains Dr. Adam Nocoń, president of IGU RES.

The Ministry of Culture and Higher Education from NFOŚiGW on 15.05.2024 at an organized press conference explained their decision. And here I would like to emphasize that the Chamber of Commerce for RES Equipment is an organization associating, among others producers: small wind farms, heat pumps or boilers. However, the statement of the Deputy President of the Management Board of NFOŚiGW R. Grove, „ that they are competitors of heat pumps primarily biomass, I want changes and it would be convenient if heat pumps did not enter this list ”it is surprising to me because I would like to remind Mr. Vice President about our last meeting. It was then that heat pump manufacturers postulated and further postulated to suspend the announced changes, using IGI RES, as well as directly writing letters describing exactly the consequences of these changes. ” – continues dr Adam Nocoń.

Krzysztof Bolesta – Secretary of State in the Ministry of Culture and Higher Education announced an amendment to the Act on fuel quality standards, pellets suggesting „that competition on the market of various technologies is equal to ”.„ Open the regulations of the ZUM list and we will learn about equal treatment of green devices there. Requirements for pellet boilers or wood gasification require producers of all these devices to submit a test report from an accredited laboratory. And how is it with heat pumps? After almost a year of talks, we obtained a compromise in which one in five pumps in the power series is to have a report and now not even a report, just a certificate. Please answer for yourself are we talking about equality in the market? ” – asks dr Adam Nocoń.

The information provided at the press conference is also surprising, that for mounted heat pumps, which by the end of the year will not have confirmation of their parameters by a test report carried out in an accredited laboratory, or the data will not match, pump costs will have to be returned by the company that installed it. Thus, an appeal to installers to reasonably select heat pumps that mount their customers, because they can not be exposed to enormous costs because of their fault. ” – calls dr Adam Nocoń.

Will it be possible to stop the introduction of changes that clearly stand in opposition to the solution developed earlier? Time will tell. However, the answer to the question about where the idea of introducing such ones came from, most likely we will never know.


Chamber of Commerce for RES Equipment brings together over 120 companies producing and distributing devices using renewable energy sources. The chamber deals with preparation of projects and legal acts in the field of functioning of the Polish renewable energy industry and environmental protection. He cooperates with authorities and state administration, and also promotes Polish industry, crafts and services on the domestic market and internationally. One of the Chamber’s main goals is to give opinions on industry-related legal acts, monitor their implementation and functioning, and present these assessments together with any proposed changes to competent public authorities. The Chamber’s authorities care about shaping, disseminating and promoting the principles of integrity
in business operations, in particular developing control procedures for renewable energy equipment

on behalf of the Organizing Committee




BUKOVINA HOTEL in Bukowina Tatrzańska

JUNE 4-5, 2024.

Panelists will include representatives of the Ministry of Climate and the Environment, Institute of Environmental Protection-PIB, Institute of Mineral Resources Management and Energy of the Polish Academy of Sciences, National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, General Directorate of State Forests, among others.:

Miłosz Motyk – Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Climate and the Environment

Dr hab. Eng. Krystian Szczepański – Director of the Institute of Environmental Protection – PIB

Mariusz Błasiak – Head of the Department of Development Projects and Ownership Supervision in the Directorate General of State Forests

Gabriela Lenartowicz – Member of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland

Dr hab. Eng. Krzysztof Mudryk, prof. UR – Laboratory of Production Technology and Biofuel Quality Assessment University of Agriculture in Krakow

Dr hab. Eng. Robert Kubica, prof. Pol.Śl. – Faculty of Chemistry, Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice

A detailed conference program is available on the event website: https://konferencja2024.iguoze.pl/

RSVP TO 17.05.2024.

e-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]

tel.: 692 269 071 / 518 500 451