
The International Chamber Artists Announce January Performances

Logo CHICAGO, IL: The fourth season of the International Chamber Artists (ICA, www.ICAMusic.org), one of Chicago’s premiere chamber music ensembles, kicks off with “French & Viennese Keys” on Sunday, January 25, 2009 at 4:00pm, located at St. Gregory the Great Church (5535 N. Paulina St., Chicago) and Monday, January 26, 2009 at 7:00pm, at Ganz Hall at Roosevelt University (430 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago). The enticing musical selections will include Gabriel Faure’s Piano Quintet No. 2 in C minor, Op. 115, Francis’s Poulenc’s Trio for Piano, Oboe and Bassoon, and more.

In addition to these electrifying concerts, ICA will be performing selected works of Poulenc, Previn, and Diamond live on 98.7 WFMT from the Morse Theatre on Sunday, February 1, 2009 at 11:00am.

Upcoming events for the season include April’s “Tuba or Not Tuba?” with works that will finally give this commanding brass instrument the spotlight it deserves. And finally, kick off the summer in June with “Prokofiev is to Ballet as Debussy is to Drama,” a fascinating compilation of works by Frederic Chopin, Claude Debussy, Alan Hovhaness and Sergei Prokofiev.


Brak grafiki

Jolanta Pawlak – Artist, Sculptress, and Photographer

Jolanta Pawlak is someone who promises to be a famous and important woman artist. A native of Poland, she studied art in both Europe and the United States. She now lives in Curacao the Dutch Antillean Island in Caribbean, where she finds the inspiration to do

beautiful body sculptures. She gets all of her inspiration and material from underwater. Jolanta’s creations are lovely to watch and pleasurable to wear. The exquisite, fine silver rings, necklaces and earrings are enhanced using a variety of patinas, fabulous shades of amber, natural gemstones or pearls. The jewelery is richly textured ,inspired by the coral sea fans and shells which Jolanta sees while diving in to Caribbean sea.

Dorota Silaj: What inspired you to become an artist?



Polish Filmmaker Grabs the International Award in Iran

By: Kourosh Ziabari

CinemaThe second edition of Iran‘s International Documentary Films Festival (Cinema Verite) which is the most prominent film festival of Persian Gulf region adjourned on Thursday in Tehran by announcing the winners of national and international sections.

“Cinema Verite” of 2008 hosted bunches of producers, journalists, documentarists and  cinema experts from 84 countries worldwide, while the most of participants belonged to Poland, India, UK, France, Finland, Netherlands, Denmark, the United States, Japan, Sweden, Italy, Switzerland and Brazil.

The auditoriums of International Vahdat Hall, Palestine Theater and Freedom Theater screened up to 200 documentaries from international filmmakers who have been gathered in Iran to expose their talent, capability and skills of displaying the “truth” and “reality” through the means of visual techniques and cinematic knowledge.  


Galeria Postcard

Artist’s Insightful New Work Inspired by Mentally Challenged Brother

Milford, Mich.October 27, 2008 – Sculptor Evelyn Bachorski-Bowman will exhibit her newest work in a show entitled “Insights” at The Galeria at The Orchard Lake Schools in Orchard Lake, Mich. From November 2 through November 30.  The show features ten new pieces and six selected works from Bachorski-Bowman’s portfolio.  It is the first time the new pieces will be shown.

The Galeria is open Saturdays and Sundays from 12:30 until 5 p.m. or by appointment.  The address is Building 8 at the Orchard Lake Schools, 3535 Indian Trail, Orchard Lake, MI 48324. The phone number is 248-683-0345.

Mentally challenged brother is inspiration for the newest pieces. Unlike her previous work, this series focuses less on the physical likeness, and more on the emotive portrait. Bachorski-Bowman’s newest series called “Portraits of a Soul” was inspired by her brother.  “He is special; mentally challenged,” said   Bachorski-Bowman’s “He is a remarkable individual, who has greatly impacted my life.  He is unable to converse, yet is full of emotions he is unable to express verbally.  He is an adult by years; an innocent, a child, by experience.  The new work is inspired by the raw emotions I’ve seen in him.”


Welcome to Sonny Acres

Fall Festival at Sonny Acres Farm

Welcome to Sonny AcresDuring the month  of October the celebration of harvest time spreads over a large area of Sonny Acres. Decorated with mountainous piles of pumpkins, visitors to the farm will discover a farm market, spook house, costume shoppe and all sorts of Halloween displays and attractions scattered about.

A visit to the harvest barn will find a wide assortment of gourds, squashes, Indian corn and other farm stand items unique to the fall season. Apple lovers will be delighted to find crispy Wisconsin and Michigan apples in their favorite varieties. Upstairs in the barn loft visitors will discover a dazzling display of Halloween, harvest time, and Thanksgiving decorations.



Photo Exhibition Fashion & Glamour

On Friday, September 19, 2008 the International Business Club in Chicago hosted the photo exhibition of one of its member – Barbara Gasior Sobczyk. Most of exhibited photos were: portraits, erotic figure shots and closeups of nature in black and white.

To keep this exhibition in an uniformed fashion, Basia selected only 16 pieces from her rich portfolio of various subjects. The overall feel of presented photos evokes intimacy, elegance and style. The qualities appreciated by those who attended the opening.


Jolanta Pawlak

Jolanta Pawlak – artystka, rzeźbiarka, fotograf

Jolanta Pawlak Jolanta Pawlak jest jedną z dobrze zapowiadających się współczesnych artystek. Pochodzi z Polski. Studiowała sztukę w Europie i Stanach Zjednoczonych.

Obecnie mieszka na karaibskiej wyspie Curacao, należącej do Antyli Holenderskich, zamieszkałej przez 40 różnych narodowości. Tam znajduje inspirację do kreowania swej niepowtarzalnej, przepięknej sztuki, w której przedstawia rozmaitość różnych kultur i piękno natury.

Inspirację i potrzebne materiały zdobywa podczas nurkowania obserwując podmorskie skarby Karaibów: muszle, korale i rozmaite formacje skalne, co odróżnia ją od innych artystów wykonujących ten zawód.


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STUDIO PRÓB 2008 / 2009


Szkoła i Fundacja Andrzeja Wajdy ogłaszają nabór na półtoraroczny kurs fabularny „Studio Prób”. Zgłoszenia należy przysyłać do 30 listopada 2008

Kurs będzie podzielony na dwa etapy: w pierwszym (4 miesiące) weźmie udział 15-20 uczestników, w drugim (12 miesięcy) 6-8 uczestników. Zajęcia rozpoczną się w lutym 2009 r. Kurs będzie trwać półtora roku. Zgodnie z zasadą „od pomysłu do realizacji” uczestnicy rozwijają zgłoszone projekty filmów pełnometrażowych lub półgodzinnych i na II etapie kręcą dwie sceny ze swoich scenariuszy.

Wykładowcami i opiekunami “Studia Prób” są: Andrzej Wajda, Wojciech Marczewski, Edward Żebrowski, Joanna Krauze i Denijal Hasanović oraz zaproszeni inni wybitni polscy filmowcy.
