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Business News

Price Worries Grow

By Steven Muller

Core inflation rose to 3.4 percent in June, data from the National Bank of Poland showed on Tuesday, adding to concerns that price growth may remain high this and next year despite signs the economy is slowing on the back of weaker growth in western Europe.

Headline inflation, which measures the change in prices paid in shops and for goods and services elsewhere, also rose faster than most analysts expected, to 4.6 percent last month. Popular concerns over prices are tempered by continuing double-digit growth of wages – but the national bank’s interest rate setting committee says that it may yet need to raise rates further in the next couple of months to make sure price growth slows in the months ahead. High wage growth increases consumer demand, which in turn tends to allow retailers to raise prices more.Wage data last week showed company wages rose 12 percent year-on-year in June to PLN 3,215.32 or EUR 960 per month, the Central Statistical Office (GUS) said in a report Tuesday.


Zbigniew Ziobro
Polska - Poland

Save Ziobro

By Steven Muller Opposition Law and Justice MPs brought parliament’s rules commission to a standstill this week in a protest against attempts to charge PiS former Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro with improperly distributing state secrets. […]

Irena Sendler
Stany Zjednoczone - USA

Pani Irena Sendler – Rezolucja Izby Reprezentantów

Irena Sendler Senator Barack Obama o polskiej bohaterce Pani Irenie Sendler

Senator Barack Obama, prawdopodobny kandydat Partii Demokratycznej do Białego Domu jest inicjatorem rezolucji Senatu USA upamiętniającej bohaterską Polkę Irenę Sendler.

Senator Obama zgłosił rezolucję w tej sprawie 29 lipca 2008 r.

“W czasie największej tragedii XX wieku, Irena Sendler poświęciła się dla ratowania tysięcy dzieci przed tragicznym przeznaczeniem, w obliczu którego stanęli polscy Żydzi” – powiedział Senator Obama. „Miłowała ludzką godność, utożsamiała bezinteresowność, inspirowała nadzieję” – podkreślił Senator. Wskazał on, że w ciągu całego życia Pani Irena Sendler była podziwiana za nadzwyczajną odwagę i niezłomną postawę.


The Polish Museum of America

The 28th Annual Summer Ball of the Polish Museum of America

The Polish Museum of America

Chicago, IL – The 28th Annual Summer Ball of the Polish Museum of America was held on June 20, 2008 at the Wyndham O’Hare Hotel Ballroom in Rosemont, IL. This is the Museum’s main fundraiser of the year, which included a Silent Auction as well as several raffles.

The Ballroom was an array of color with white cloth-covered chairs tied with red bows and  tables beautifully decorated with Polish-themed centerpieces of wild poppies with sheaves of wheat.

The Silent Auction and reception began at 6:30 pm. Jenny Crissey was Chair-person of the Silent Auction, which offered an assortment of jewelry, paintings, tickets to sporting events, resorts and restaurants and themed baskets of goodies.

Hot appetizers were served during the reception and the Pulaski Investment Corporation sponsored a Sobieski Vodka Tasting all evening.


Ukrainian map
Świat - World

The Asian Card in Ukrainian History

by: Dmitry Shlapentokh

Ukrainian map Ukraine’s desire to join NATO and redefine its relationship with Russia has led to a dramatic reshaping of the Ukrainian past. Whereas Russia has usually emphasized the importance of 1 Pereiaslavska Rada (1654), which marked the Ukraine union/or absorption into the empire of the tsar, the present Ukrainian elite puts forward the battle of Konotop (1659), in which Ukrainian forces decimated the Russian army. This event will be celebrated in 2009 with great pomp, rivaling the celebration of Pereiaslavskai Rada in 1954, and is designed to demonstrate that the Ukraine/Russia relationship is not as amiable as most Russian historians claim. The planned celebration has led to sharp public response from Russian authorities. On the surface, this displeasure can be easily understood: Russian authorities see in it the historical backdrop for Ukraine’s increasing hostility to Russia. But it is not just that: one of the reasons for the sharp response is the Muslim ingredient in the event. Ukrainian officials emphasize the important Tatar role in the battle, and the alliance between Ukrainians and Tatars.


Seal of the State of Illinois

Illinois begins Unemployment Insurance benefits extension with more than $20 M in payments

Seal of the State of Illinois CHICAGO – Governor Rod R. Blagojevich today announced that the Illinois Department of Employment Security has made initial payments to more than half of the Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC 08) benefits applicants.  In the first two weeks of the program, IDES processed 62,583 claims for EUC 08 coverage, out of which 32,284 claimants have begun receiving benefits.  Thus far, IDES has made payments totaling $21,701,148.36 to statewide EUC benefits recipients.  On July 1, the Governor signed an agreement to allow the state to implement a federal extension of Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits by up to 13 weeks, paving the way for the extension to take effect on July 6, 2008, the earliest possible date.


Mac Arthur

New MacArthur Grants to Help Chicago Organizations Increase International Connections

CHICAGO, IL (July 20, 2008) –The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation  on July 15th awarded $325,000 in new grants to help diverse Chicago organizations increase their international connections with 16 countries.  The grants are the first from the Foundation’s International Connections Fund, which will provide a total of $1 million in grants over the next year. 

“These eight organizations plan international projects ranging from artistic collaborations to improved cross-cultural understanding through community development,” said MacArthur President Jonathan Fanton. 

 “Their work covers many fields and many countries.  What they share is a commitment to building international connections and advancing Chicago’s growing role as a global city.”  Mac Arthur

The following organizations will receive grants from MacArthur’s International Connections Fund:


Adam Boyer
Stany Zjednoczone - USA

Burbank, IL Resident Awarded Royal Neighbors Scholarship

Adam Boyer(Rock Island, IL)—Adam Boyer, Burbank, IL, received a $500, scholarship from the Illinois State Scholarship Program of Royal Neighbors of America.

Royal Neighbors sponsors multiple scholarships each year and has provided more than $3 million in education funding.

Adam is a member of the Chicago, IL chapter of Royal Neighbors of America. He plans to attend Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL, pursuing a career in Law Enforcement.


Technologia PIPS
Polska - Poland

Amerykańska technologia w Warszawskich komendach policji

Technologia PIPS Technologia PIPS „najbardziej zaawansowany system rozpoznawania tablic rejestracyjnych na świecie”

CHICAGO: Amerykańska firma o nazwie Federal Signal Corporation’s Safety and Security Systems Group, światowy lider w produkcji urządzeń do zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa będzie dostarczać policji warszawskiej urządzenia do rozpoznawania i rejestrowania tablic rejestracyjnych, co pozwoli policji w Warszawie na lepszą kontrolę i monitorowanie ruchu na strategicznych drogach wokół Warszawy. 

Siedziba firmy Federal Signal Comporation znajduje sie w Oak Brook, w stanie Illinois. System kamer jest używany rownież na ulicach Chicago, powiedział mi John Segvich, rzecznik firmy. Nie chciał jednak ujawnić ile kamer znajduje się na chicagowskich ulicach. Wiemy jednak z informacji urzędu miasta Chicago, że na obszarze  Chicago funkcjonuje już około 200 kamer, planowana jest też ich dalsza ekspansja.



Laserowcy na medal

Sobotni poranek – ostatni dzień Mistrzostw Europy klasy Laser – obudził wszystkich zawodników przelotnymi opadami deszczu i dosyć solidnymi podmuchami wiatru (20 węzłów wg porannej prognozy) z kierunków południowo-zachodnich. Przypływ w porcie Nieuwpoort (High Water) miał osiągnąć swoje maksimum o godzinie 14:47. Oznaczało to, że o godzinie 11:30 – planowany start do 11. wyścigu klasy Laser – prąd morski na akwenie regat będzie zmierzał w kierunku , czyli idealnie pod wiatr, z siłą około 2. węzłów. Nastąpiło°-200°220 odroczenie na dwie godziny. Decyzja komisji regatowej była jak najbardziej uzasadniona. Bardzo wysoka i stroma fala powodowana powyższymi zależnościami przy silnych podmuchach wiatru mogła być niebezpieczna dla uczestników regat […]