Stany Zjednoczone - USA

Gov. Blagojevich declares Knox and Madison counties state disaster areas for flood-related issues

Flood SPRINGFIELD – Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich today added Knox and Madison counties to a state disaster declaration to help those areas respond to flooding issues along the Mississippi River. Since Wednesday, the Governor has declared 19 counties state disaster areas.

“We continue to plan for all possible situations as flood waters continue to threaten communities along the Mississippi River. We are mobilizing resources, not only to shore up levees to protect lives, homes, roads and critical infrastructures, but also to prepare for all contingencies should flood waters break through,” said Gov. Blagojevich. “We are working around the clock to protect residents and the communities they live in and to make sure they have the resources they need during this critical time.”


Mexico City Downtown
Świat - World

And You Call This “Change”?

Mexico City Downtown By Richard N. Baldwin T. /HispanicVista.com

All we keep hearing about in the election run up is that everybody wants “change”. Maybe it’s time to ask WHAT CHANGES?

One of the biggest things that has infuriated other countries and especially Latin American countries is the unilateral demands that the US government places on trade and aid legislation. Such was the case a few years ago when “reforms” affecting legal matters concerning military affairs were attached to an aid package to train foreign military intelligence forces. What was demanded were deep changes that would affect the involved country’s legal structure (and their constitutions). México, along with most other Latin American countries simply said no thanks.

Note that this happened with a Republican administration (Bush), and a Republican controlled congress. And all it did south of the border was to reinforce a high level of hatred to the arrogance of the US government (and especially Bush) toward their neighbors to the South.


Kardynał Dziwisz w Chicago

Ks. Kardynał Stanisław Dziwisz w Bazylice św. Jacka w Chicago

Kardynał Dziwisz w Chicago Niezwykłym wydarzeniem w historii Kościoła był wybór naszego rodaka, Karola Wojtyły na Stolicę Piotrową. Trwałym dziedzictwem całego Kościoła i ludzkiej rodziny pozostanie nauczanie Jana Pawła II i jego dokonania, których był twórcą i uczestnikiem. Odpowiedzialność za to duchowe dziedzictwo, troska o jego pielęgnację i kontynuację na gruncie emigracyjnym, leży w naszych rękach- Polonii z Chicago. Pragniemy, aby Bazylika św. Jacka była miejscem szczególnego zgłębiania oraz przekazywania nauki Jana Pawła II następnym pokoleniom. To przecież sam Jan Paweł II wyniósł nasz kościół do rangi Bazyliki. Z wdzięczności za ten dekret, długotrwałą posługę i prowadzenie wiernych Kościoła Katolickiego przez Papieża Polaka, wznieśliśmy przy Bazylice pomnik Jana Pawła II.

Cieszymy się ogromnie, że w naszej Bazylice dnia 29 czerwca 2008 będziemy gościć Ks. Kardynała Stanisława Dziwisza, który pełnił funkcję sekretarza Jana Pawła II. Będzie on przewodniczył w sprawowaniu Mszy Św. o godz. 12:30 P.M., podczas której poświęci on złote korony, przeznaczone dla Matki Boskiej Częstochowskiej i Dzieciątka Jezus, a ufundowane przez Polonię Chicagowską jako wotum wdzięczności za opiekę nad polskimi rodzinami.


Beautiful Poland Contest

“Beautiful Poland”- Art Contest

Beautiful Poland Contest Chicago, IL – The winners of the 2008 Polish Constitution Day Art Contest organized by the Polish Museum of America have been announced. This year’s theme “Beautiful Poland” was very popular among children and teens. The Museum received 83 entries from Illinois, Indiana and Michigan. The winning artwork decorated the PMA’s float in Chicago’s Polish Constitution Day Parade on May 3rd. The winners also received certificates and monetary prizes presented at the “Poland in the Park” celebration at Millennium Park in Chicago, IL.


Map of Poland - Kielce
Polska - Poland

Poland Education – matters more than ever

By Karolina Stefanski

Map of Poland - Kielce Ewa Kowalska, a 19 yearold Economics student and her brother, Tomasz Kowalski, a 28 yearold unemployed journalist, live with their parents in a tworoom apartment in Kielce, a centre of trade and commerce, approximately 66 miles north of the cultural city of Cracow, Poland.

The family occupies a 650 square feet apartment in the city center. Approximately fifty percent of Mr. and Mrs. Kowalska income goes towards the mortgage of their apartment. They own a white Ford Fiesta automobile, which Mrs. Kowalska drives to work every day.

A mother of two, Elzbieta Kowalska is the major source of income in the household. She works fulltime as a bank employee. In addition, she takes weekend classes at the university of Kielce to obtain a degree in Business Administration. Her goal is to achieve a better position with a higher degree, thus improving the family’s standard of living.



Chicago drops first road game of 2008

Chicago Fire Logo FRISCO, TEXAS. (JUNE 15, 2008) –The Chicago Fire dropped their first road game of the season 1-0 at FC Dallas. The Fire are now 6-4-1 (19 pts.) while FC Dallas improved to 4-5-4 (16 pts.). The loss keeps Chicago in 4th place in the Eastern Division, seven points behind conference leader New England.

Scoring Summary:

Chicago 0 0 0
FC Dallas 1 0 1

FCD – Kenny Cooper 7 (Andre Rocha 6), 17’

Attendance – 14,738


Stany Zjednoczone - USA

FEMA coordinating Federal response to Midwest storms

FEMA Federal Agencies Support State and Local Governments Following Floods and Tornados

WASHINGTON– The Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) continues to support the states impacted by tornados and floods.

In each case, state and local resources are addressing the most immediate needs as federal resources support their efforts. FEMA is coordinating activities in Indiana, Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa, and Kansas.

FEMA Administrator David Paulison noted these activities are an example of the New FEMA’s commitment to “Engaged Partnerships” between federal, state and local governments, volunteer organizations and the private sector. “I have reached out to governors and local leaders to make sure we are responding to them quickly and efficiently. I am personally visiting some of the affected areas to make sure they are getting the support they need,” said Paulison. Paulison was in Iowa this morning with Governor Culver, Office of Management and Budget Director Jim Nussle, Acting Small Business Administrator Jovita Carranza and members of the Iowa Congressional delegation. Paulison also will travel to Indiana and Wisconsin.



Chicago participates in “small business week”

SBA Small Business Association (SBA) Hosts the 45th Annual Illinois “Small Business Week”

The City of Chicago Department of Business Affairs and Licensing (DBA) is a proud sponsor of “Small Business Week”, hosted by the SmallBusiness Administration (SBA) on June 19th.

The SBA is an important partner to the DBA programs commonly providingsupport to Chicago’s business community with education, information and resources.  Specifically, the SBA-SCORE, Counselors to America’s Small Business,  have provided direct services at DBA’s Business
Education Workshops and the Business Works seminars throughout the city. This partnership is critical since DBA provides Chicago’s business community with licensing and start up assistance, business resources and business education. 

Richard Daley

Mayor Daley asks Chicagoans to watch out for each other

Richard Daley Mayor Richard M. Daley today urged all Chicagoans to watch out for each other during the hot summer months that are approaching.

“We all have a responsibility to help each other during these hot summer months.

Extreme heat can be a very dangerous, but by working together we help keep Chicagoans as safe as they can be,” the Mayor said in a news conference held at the Office of Emergency Management and Communications 911 Center, 1411 W. Madison St.

Daley was joined by commissioners of some of the city departments most heavily involved in helping Chicagoans withstand the summer heat. They described how their departments are prepared to help vulnerable Chicagoans stay cool and safe.


Stany Zjednoczone - USA

Fow of Federal resources to Midwest continues

FEMA President Bush signs disaster declaration for Wisconsin.

WASHINGTON– The Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and other federal departments and agencies continue to support the states affected by floods and tornadoes in the Midwest, as FEMA Logistics continues to coordinate with the agency’s Region V and Region VII to maintain the flow of resources to Iowa, Indiana, Wisconsin and Kansas.

Meanwhile, FEMA is moving ahead with contingency plans for the provision of resources and assistance that it anticipates may be needed next week, amid concerns about potential flooding along the Lower Mississippi River as flood waters flow south from up river.

The president has approved a major disaster declaration for the State of Wisconsin for weather events that began June 5, 2008. The declaration provides for Individual Assistance for Crawford, Columbia, Sauk, Milwaukee and Vernon counties; and for Hazard Mitigation statewide. The existing federal disaster declaration for Iowa has been expanded to include an additional 15 counties for Individual Assistance and 10 counties for Public Assistance; 14 counties were added in Indiana for Individual Assistance.
