National Memory
Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
The national memory stored in Poland does not include arrivals of forefathers of Poles from some faraway lands because apparently the national identity of Poles was formed in the basin of the Vistula River, in the great central European lowlands in the vicinity of the steppes of Ukraine and of Russia where the original Proto Indo-European language was developed and already used some 5500 years ago. […]
Jan Karski, a Man Who Soldiered for Human Rights
By:Michael Szporer […]
Choroby szlacheckie
Fortele dla ratowania OJCZYZNY
Akt zaślubin Polski z morzem
10 lutego 1920 roku, Musimy o tym pamiętać
By Edward Pinkowski
When David Laskin, a noted Seattle author, planned to write a book on foreign-born soldiers who defended the United States in World War I, he appealed to readers of Polish newspapers to send him stories of their war heroes.Cambria County, Pennsylvania, and Maximilian Cieminski, an iron ore shoveler out of Bessemer, Michigan.