Jerzy Stuhr

Actor, Director Jerzy Stuhr Opens Polish Film Festival

Five of the Famed Thespian’s Films to Be Screened Nov. 15 to 19 

Jerzy Stuhr The Rochester N.Y. Polish Film Festival is hitting the big time. This year, the five-day festival will not only showcase some of Poland’s best cinematic treasures as it has for the past dozen years, it also will bring to town one of Poland’s most acclaimed actors, screenplay writers, and directors to headline the event. Jerzy Stuhr will introduce and discuss five films in which he played a leading role or that he directed.

“Jerzy Stuhr is Poland’s Dustin Hoffman and Stephen Spielberg rolled into one,” said Randall Stone, director of the University of Rochester’s Skalny Center for Polish and Central European Studies, which is sponsoring the film festival.  “Like Dustin Hoffman, Stuhr is an outstanding character actor, able to bring to life all kinds of roles, from comic to tragic; like Stephen Spielberg, his films are intensely entertaining but deeply serious.”

Stuhr, who has won a host of Polish and international film awards, including the 2005 Life Achievement Award at the International Film Festival in Venice, is best known internationally for his role as the thick-witted hairdresser Jurek in Kieślowski’s Three Colors: White. In Poland, fans love his character Max from the 1985 cult comedy Seksmisja, while youngsters know him through the voice of Donkey in the Polish version of Shrek.


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Historia jednej miłości… Ku przestrodze naiwnych czy przebiegłych?

Często uwagę naszą przykuwają wydarzenia ekstremalne, jak „zakochanie” Nikole w przeszło osiemdziesięcioletnim mężczyźnie i finansowe tego konsekwencje, czy też Barbary Piaseckiej-Johnson i jej miłosno-finansowe perypetie. Zwykle wydaje się, że tego typu zachowania są zbyt odległe i nas nie dotyczą, lub są dla nas obce jak w oglądanym filmie.

Tymczasem na mniejszą skalę i w nieco odmiennych okolicznościach tego typu wydarzenia stają się aktualne. Dziwimy się nieraz, że w ogóle zaistniały, ale przechodzimy nad nimi do porządku dziennego, traktując je obojętnie, jakby nas nie dotyczyły, lub nabieramy przekonania, że może tak być powinno, z zastrzeżeniem, że i tak nic nie zmienimy.

Nie przeszkadza nam, że czasem dotyczą naszych znajomych czy przyjaciół. Niestety, brak nam nieraz odwagi, aby takie postępowanie dostrzec, czy nawet opowiedzieć innym, nie jak plotkę czy pomówienie, ale jako ciekawe opowiadanie.



Ghoulishly Good Halloween Recipe Sure to Lure Even the Most Discriminating Devils!

Finalist from Nordic Ware’s, “Bundts Across America” Contest creates delicious Halloween treat!

HalloweenMINNEAPOLIS (October 21, 2008) — For months, bakers across America have donned aprons and oven mitts in hopes of creating the perfect holiday-themed Bundt cake. Rebecca Reece from Henderson, NV learned the flour-covered countertop and pile of dishes in her sink were well worth it! Nordic Ware – maker of the iconic Bundt pan –named Reece one of 10 national finalists in the “Bundts Across America” contest. Reece’s recipe titled “Goblin’s Goober Cake” was judged superior in the areas originality, taste, texture, visual appearance, use of ingredients and an essay describing how the entry represents in its own special way, one of America’s popular holidays, Halloween.

As a finalist, Reece was treated to a fun-filled expense paid trip to San Francisco in October, which included participating for the Grand Prize at the baking competition being held at the famous San Francisco Baking Institute (SFBI) on October 5th.  SFBI has trained hundreds of professional and aspiring bakers from all over the world and is recognized within the baking industry as a place where artisan baking is respected, appreciated and celebrated. The 10 finalists will also receive a $500 Nordic Ware gift certificate. The grand prize winner of the “2008 Bundts Across America” contest will receive: $10,000 in cash! The grand prize winner will be announced on November 15, “National Bundt Day”!


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CEO of Fiat Group and CNH (Case New Holland) Chairman to present the new Alfa Romeo 8C at Italian Style Expo in Chicago

Navy Pier: Sept. 19-21, 2008

Chicago‘s second full-scale festival to showcase all things Italian will take place at Navy Pier next weekend. Italian Style – a large scale, family-friendly festival will feature exotic Italian automobiles, fashion, design, tourist destinations, farm and construction equipment, music, food, wine and more from over 100 exhibitors from Italy. Events taking place as part of the festival include culinary seminars, food and wine testing, fashion shows, hair and make-up instruction, concerts, historical videos and more.

Italian Style 2008 Chairman Mauro Galli said the unprecedented three day festival was conceived to promote the excellence of Italian style in the fields of business, technology, culture, fashion, society and art to Chicagoans. “We organized this event to not only showcase the city of Chicago to our Italian business and cultural partners in an effort to drive more investment into our community,” he said, “but also to educate the people of Chicago about what Italy really is and all that it has to offer. In the process, we know everyone will have a lot of fun.”


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Clerk Miguel del Valle Announces 2009-2010 Vehicle Sticker Art Contest Theme for decal will be “Dog Friendly Chicago”

In a partnership with the Chicago Department of Animal Care and Control, City Clerk Miguel del Valle announces that the theme of the Fourteenth Annual City Clerk’s Vehicle Sticker Art Design Contest is “Dog Friendly Chicago.”

“By registering your dog through our office you are helping save the lives of animals by supporting the city’s spay and neuter programs,” stated City Clerk Miguel del Valle.

All Chicago high school students, grades 9-12, are invited to submit artwork highlighting the City of Chicago’s efforts to make Chicago a dog friendly city, including dog friendly areas, bringing dogs to outdoor cafes, and the benefits of registering a dog with the city. Entries must be submitted to the City Clerk’s office by 5:00 p.m., Friday, October 31, 2008.  The title of the theme is “Dog Friendly Chicago” and must incorporate the image of a dog. The dog must be wearing a City of Chicago dog registration tag.  


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Konkurs – Ocalmy od zapomnienia

„Ocalmy od zapomnienia – Polskie losy”

Konkurs Fundacji SEMPER POLONIA

I. Organizator


ul. ks. I. Kłopotowskiego 11

03-718 Warszawa

II. Współorganizatorzy

Senat RP, Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego, Biblioteka Narodowa, Muzeum Narodowe, Naczelna Dyrekcja Archiwów Państwowych, Towarzystwo Opieki nad Zabytkami.

III. Patronat medialny

Telewizja Polonia, Radio Polonia, miesięcznik Towarzystwa Opieki nad Zabytkami „Spotkania z Zabytkami”


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Institute for Advanced Advertising Studies Cultivates Chicago’s Best & Brightest Young Talent

CHICAGO, IL (August 21, 2008) — The Chicago Council of the American Association of Advertising Agencies announced registration for the 2008 Institute for Advanced Advertising Studies (IAAS) program.  The IAAS program has been taught in local markets throughout the country for more than 35 years, training the best and brightest young professionals in the advertising business.

The IAAS program is unique in that students are organized into teams and charged with developing a complete advertising plan for a brand to be presented to the client in the final session.  The 2008 brand is Laughing Cow Cheese. 

Students are immersed in sessions dedicated to every discipline within a typical agency structure — from account planning to creative to media planning and campaign execution.  The interaction between students and instructors is emphasized in each class session. 


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Nabór na Kurs Dokumentalny w Szkole Wajdy Zrób z Nami Swój Film!

W styczniu 2009 r. w Szkole Andrzeja Wajdy rozpocznie się szósta edycja intensywnego kursu dokumentalnego, połączonego z rozwojem projektów filmów dokumentalnych  i realizacją najlepszych z nich. Kurs będzie podzielony na dwa etapy: w pierwszym weźmie udział 15-20 uczestników, w drugim:6-8, którzy zrealizują swoje filmy. Kurs będzie trwać półtora roku. Zgłoszenia należy przysyłać do 30 października 2008.

Zapraszamy do wzięcia udziału w kolejnej edycji kursu dokumentalnego, który organizujemy od 2003 roku. Dzięki wsparciu produkcyjnemu Szkoły Andrzeja Wajdy i opiece artystycznej najlepszych polskich dokumentalistów – Marcela Łozińskiego i Jacka Bławuta zadebiutowali u nas tacy młodzi filmowcy jak Maciej Cuske („Kuracja”, „Antykwariat”), Marcin Sauter („Za płotem”, „Kino objazdowe”), Bartek Konopka („Ballada o kozie”), Thierry Paladino („Na działce”), Marcin Janos Krawczyk („Rendez-vous”), Kuba Maciejko („Felgarz z Woli”), Leszek Dobrucki („Kilka mniejszych wygranych”), Jacob Dammas („Kredens”), a potem dzięki aktywnej działalności promocyjnej i festiwalowej zdobyli wiele nagród na festiwalach w kraju i za granicą ( na Krakowskim Festiwalu Filmowym, Slamdance, Cinema du Reel w Paryżu, KRAKFFA, Vilnius Film Shorts, Felliniadzie, Festiwalu Polskich Filmów w Nowym Jorku, Vision du Reel w Szwajcarii, węgierskim festiwalu MEDIAWAVE, Festiwalu Filmów Dokumentalnych i Krótkometrażowych w Belgradzie i innych).


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Studia w U.S.A. – Co trzeba wiedzieć o amerykańskim systemie edukacji?

Struktura szkół wyższych:

Pierwszy poziom, to studia UNDERGRADUATE, które można rozpocząć zaraz po ukończeniu szkoły średniej. Zaliczamy do nich:

– 2-letni City/Community College (Associate Degree)

– 4-letni college/uniwersytet (Bachelor Degree)

Następny poziom, to studia magisterskie/podyplomowe/doktoranckie:


-ok. 2-letni program magisterski (Master’s Degree)

-oktorat – ok. 3-7letnie programy (EDD lub Ph.D.)

-Programy na certyfikat (CAS – Certificate of Advanced Studies)

Studia magisterskie połączone z doktoratem



Even if Your Power Goes Out, You Can Still Get In or Out

tornado Chicago Area Company Helps Weather the Storm with the EverCharge® Standby Power System Designed to Open Garage Door During Power Outages

Elmhurst, IL – August 2008 – For more than 200,000 Chicago area residents spanning from Kane, Cook, DuPage and Will Countries, this past Monday night’s storm resulted in more than just running for cover, traffic jams, rains delays at the ballpark and store closings. The combination of heavy winds, lightning and extreme rain left many Chicagoans with flooded basements, trees and large branches canvassing their property and for most residents — no power.

In addition to salvaging food from a warm refrigerator or searching for working flashlights, many local residents who use an automatic garage door opener also quickly realized that their cars, as well as secure access to their homes, were inconveniently blocked by a heavy garage door.  To enter or exit through the garage during a power outage, Chicagoans were forced to disengage the opener and manually lift the door, which quickly eliminates the accustomed convenience and safety of having an automatic garage door opener.
