Welcome to Sonny Acres

Fall Festival at Sonny Acres Farm

Welcome to Sonny AcresDuring the month  of October the celebration of harvest time spreads over a large area of Sonny Acres. Decorated with mountainous piles of pumpkins, visitors to the farm will discover a farm market, spook house, costume shoppe and all sorts of Halloween displays and attractions scattered about.

A visit to the harvest barn will find a wide assortment of gourds, squashes, Indian corn and other farm stand items unique to the fall season. Apple lovers will be delighted to find crispy Wisconsin and Michigan apples in their favorite varieties. Upstairs in the barn loft visitors will discover a dazzling display of Halloween, harvest time, and Thanksgiving decorations.



Ghoulishly Good Halloween Recipe Sure to Lure Even the Most Discriminating Devils!

Finalist from Nordic Ware’s, “Bundts Across America” Contest creates delicious Halloween treat!

HalloweenMINNEAPOLIS (October 21, 2008) — For months, bakers across America have donned aprons and oven mitts in hopes of creating the perfect holiday-themed Bundt cake. Rebecca Reece from Henderson, NV learned the flour-covered countertop and pile of dishes in her sink were well worth it! Nordic Ware – maker of the iconic Bundt pan –named Reece one of 10 national finalists in the “Bundts Across America” contest. Reece’s recipe titled “Goblin’s Goober Cake” was judged superior in the areas originality, taste, texture, visual appearance, use of ingredients and an essay describing how the entry represents in its own special way, one of America’s popular holidays, Halloween.

As a finalist, Reece was treated to a fun-filled expense paid trip to San Francisco in October, which included participating for the Grand Prize at the baking competition being held at the famous San Francisco Baking Institute (SFBI) on October 5th.  SFBI has trained hundreds of professional and aspiring bakers from all over the world and is recognized within the baking industry as a place where artisan baking is respected, appreciated and celebrated. The 10 finalists will also receive a $500 Nordic Ware gift certificate. The grand prize winner of the “2008 Bundts Across America” contest will receive: $10,000 in cash! The grand prize winner will be announced on November 15, “National Bundt Day”!



Gra o Izrael od Napoleona do Hitlera i Stalina

Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski

IzraelW 1807 roku Napoleon zwołał w paryskim Hotel de Wille „Wielki” Sanhedryn, starożytną władzę żydowską. Stało się to po raz pierwszy od czasów starożytności. Debaty trwały od 9go do 13go marca i orzeczono, że wyznawcy judaizmu mogą przestrzegać praw republiki bez sprzeniewierzania się Torze. Wówczas, po raz pierwszy we Francji, Żydzi otrzymali prawa obywateli Francji, po wiekach przykrych konsekwencji spowodowanych pojawieniem się przekładu łacińskiego Talmudu, prawie tysiąc lat wcześniej.

Natomiast w Polsce, już w 1764 roku, Żydzi odrzucili ofertę Sejmu Konwokacyjnego, który oferował im emancypację, w czasie jednoczesnej likwidacji autonomicznego sejmu żydowskiego w Lublinie, wówczas jedynej władzy ustawodawczej Żydów na całym świecie. Gminy żydowskie w Polsce, tak zwane „Kahały,” odtąd rządziły się na prawach Talmudu jak małe republiki.

Pierwsza formalna konstytucja dużego państwa w Europie została zatwierdzona w Polsce 3go maja, 1791 roku. Włączyła ona w prawa obywatelskie blisko milionowej „nacji szlacheckiej” mieszczan oraz w słabszej formie chłopów. Żydzi polscy odmówili przyjęcia nowych swobód i nadal woleli rządzić się prawami Talmudu. Natomiast rewolucyjne zmiany w sytuacji Żydów miały miejsce na Zachodzie.


Brak grafiki

Life Members to be Honored at Polish Museum

Chicago, IL – The Polish Museum of America will sponsor its “Benefit Event 2008” on Friday, November 7 to recognize and honor thirty-two New Millennium Life Members of the Polish Museum and nine Legacy Life Members. Each of these most generous donors have contributed $2,500 to become a Life Member of the Polish Museum because they understand the importance of preserving, restoring and maintaining the unique treasures of this worthwhile institution, some of which are found no where else in the world.

This black-tie event, held in the Great Hall of the Polish Museum of America, 984 N. Milwaukee Ave., Chicago, Illinois, will include a champagne cocktail hour between 6:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. during which guests will view many Literary and Documentary Treasures that are not on display to the public. A delicious dinner, catered by Professional Chef, Tomasz Rybinski will be served at 7:30 p.m. and the program will begin at 9 p.m.

The elegant Benefit Event is also one of the major fundraisers for the museum.  Unlike the annual Summer Ball, it’s held every other year to honor new Life Members, who can be individuals, couples, organizations, institutions or corporations.  The donation can be made “in memory of” or “in honor of” a special person.  At the dinner, the honored new Life Members will receive a medallion, a plaque and a lapel pin.  Their names are also placed on the New Millennium Life Member Donor Plaque located in the foyer of the Great Hall of the Polish Museum.



Halloween is the Perfect Time to Check the Safety of Your Property for Ghouls and Goblins

Pumpkin(Chicago) Driveways, corridors, condominium party rooms and lawns are not as frightening as Frankenstein or Freddy Kruger. However, they all are potential liabilities against homeowners and condo associations that could have frightening results. According to premises liability expert, attorney Jeffrey Kroll (www.kroll-lawfirm.com), Halloween is the perfect time to appraise potential dangers for visitors to your property. “Parents protect their children on Halloween with fire-retardant costumes and equipping them with flashlights to be more visible,” said Kroll. “However, homeowners also have a responsibility to make sure their residences are safe for all the strangers that come knocking for treats.”

According to Kroll, here is what homeowners need to watch for:

Lighting for Entrance Ways: Hold the Candles

People walking up to your home might have to climb steps or walk down a long pavement before they get to your door. Be sure that the entire path is clear and lighted. Also, avoid using those candle luminaries in bags, they are a fire hazard and could brush up against a child’s costume.


Maria Knapik

Ars Nova presents “From Italy with Love”

Italian concert pianists Daniele Petralia and Gianfranco Pappalardo Fiumara and Soprano Alexandra Oikonomou, join  Ottawa Favourites,  Fraser Rubens, Tenor and Maria Knapik, Soprano for an evening of spectacular opera arias by among others, Bellini, Puccini and Mascagni, on Tuesday October 28, at 7:30 p.m. at the National Archives Auditorium, Ottawa.

The National Archives Auditorium will be the setting for an evening of spectacular  opera arias  and virtuoso piano works with Italian concert pianists Daniele Petralia and Gianfranco Pappalardo Fiumara,  Alexandra Oikonomou Soprano. They will be joined by  Ottawa’s favourite  tenor Fraser Rubens, and a special guest appearance by soprano Maria Knapik, for an evening of works by the great Italian Masters of Opera.

Concert pianists Daniele Petralia and Gianfranco Pappalardo Fiumara maintain very active schedules with solo appearances with orchestras worldwide including  those of Milan, Paris New York and Nagoya. Soprano Alexandra Oikonomou is much in demand as a soloist for orchestral and chamber work throughout Europe and has been a First Prize winner of several international competitions including the Brahms Competition in Barcellona.



Two New Members Join The Chicago Community Trust Staff

CHICAGOOctober 15, 2008 The Chicago Community Trust today announced the addition of two new members to its staff.


Tom Irvine has been appointed as chief information officer and vice president, a new position for the Trust. The Trust also hired Eva Penar as its new manager of public relations.

“The establishment of the position of chief information officer reflects the critical role that technology can play to efficiently connect donors with the philanthropic resources of a large community foundation like the Trust,” says Terry Mazany, president and chief executive officer of the Trust.  “Tom’s background has been about using technology to deliver superb client services and his leadership in this field will be an invaluable contribution as we engage donors in opportunities to maximize the impact of their charitable giving.”



Strategiczne straty USA w Azji Centralnej

Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski

UzbekStrategiczne straty USA w Azji Centralnej są ewidentne w obliczu nowej geopolitycznej rzeczywistości po nieudanej prowokacji Gruzji przeciwko Osetii. Zaloty USA do krajów Azji Centralnych i ich rurociągów nie mają powodzenia, wręcz są odrzucane na korzyść Rosji, która obecnie wydaje się tym państwom ich najlepszym sprzymierzeńcem na polu energetyki.

Fakt, że Islandia, członek NATO, została pozostawiona bez pomocy ze strony wszystkich innych członków NATO i musiała zwrócić się dopiero o zbawienną pomoc do Rosji, też szkodzi prestiżowi i wiarogodności USA, jako niby opiekuńczemu sprzymierzeńcowi państw NATO. Przyczynia się to też do poważnych strategicznych strat USA w Azji Centralnej.

Hiobowe wieści z Nowego Jorku i Waszyngtonu są łagodzone tylko w stosunkach USA z Indiami, wobec których USA usunęły karne embargo za „nielegalne” zbrojenia nuklearne tak, że obecnie Indie mogą „legalnie” importować urządzenia elektrowni i paliwo nuklearne, z czego prawdopodobnie więcej skorzystają Francja i Rosja niż USA.



Photo Exhibition Fashion & Glamour

On Friday, September 19, 2008 the International Business Club in Chicago hosted the photo exhibition of one of its member – Barbara Gasior Sobczyk. Most of exhibited photos were: portraits, erotic figure shots and closeups of nature in black and white.

To keep this exhibition in an uniformed fashion, Basia selected only 16 pieces from her rich portfolio of various subjects. The overall feel of presented photos evokes intimacy, elegance and style. The qualities appreciated by those who attended the opening.


Rytuał Uzdrawiania Dzwonkiem

Anielskie dzwonki pani Iwony – Najważniejsze jest zawsze zdrowie

Rytuał Uzdrawiania DzwonkiemPani Iwona Brzezińska Okła z niewielkiej świętokrzyskiej miejscowości Pięty, od lat zajmuje się stosowaniem magicznych dzwonków anielskich, podczas prowadzonych przez nią wszelkiego typu uzdrowień, dotyczących zarówno ciała i duszy. Tą niezwykłą pasją, zaraziła panią Iwonę jej babcia, która w tym względzie miała spore osiągnięcia.
