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Of Lemmings and Men

By Richard N. Baldwin T. /

Human history shows that there is a strain of heard instinct strongly imbedded in the genes of mankind. Just ask anyone familiar to the gyrations of the stock market to verify this. And sometimes, as in the case of the lemmings, the heard follows the leader off a cliff into the sea.


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Miss Polski USA 2009

CHICAGO: W sobotę 18 kwietnia odbyły się wybory najpiękniejszej Polki w ramach konkursu Miss Polski USA 2009. Impreza odbyla się w nowo otwartym klubie – The Club, na południu Chicago. Do tytułu „Miss Polski USA 2009” startowało 12 kandydatek.


Świat - World

Seeds of Corruption

By Richard N. Baldwin T. /
Let’s forget about the corruption scandals in the news of late (Governors, Senators and Representatives in the US) and who knows how long the list is in México with drug business corruption reaching all the way up to the president’s guards and into the US embassy here for a moment.


Prime Minister Donald Tusk, President Obama, President Lech Kaczynski
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Greetings from Warsaw!

From the Ambassador

Victor Ashe


American Embassy Warsaw Newsletter

Prime Minister Donald Tusk, President Obama, President Lech Kaczynski President Obama met with President Lech Kaczynski and Prime Minister Donald Tusk on April 5 in Prague, where they were attending the European Union summit.

The three leaders discussed a full range of issues. The President underscored his support for missile defense – provided that it is proven, that it is cost-effective, and that the threat against which it is designed remains – and Polish defense modernization, including a Patriot battery in Poland. After the successful climate change conference in Poznan in December 2008, the President proposed continued cooperation on energy independence and very robust steps toward combating climate change. President Obama accepted the Polish leaders’ invitation to visit Poland in the future. President Obama declared, “the relationship between the United States and Poland is one of the strongest in the world…. I’m confident that on issues ranging from security to energy to economics, that by working together we’re going to be able to make both our countries more prosperous and more peaceful for future generations.”


Red Cross Logo
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Międzynarodowy Czerwony Krzyż oskarża rząd USA o „eksport tortur”

Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski


Red Cross Logo Międzynarodowy Komitet Czerwonego Krzyża (International Commitee of the Red Cross) sporządził raport o torturach między innymi na terenie Polski, za czasów kadencji prezydenta Aleksandra Kwaśniewskiego. Za jego oczywistą zgodą, CIA otrzymało od niego pozwolenie używania więzienia w Polsce, blisko lotniska w Szymanach, jak o tym wcześniej donosili działacze komitetów obrony praw człowieka. Raport Czerwonego Krzyża opisuje udział w torturach strażników miejscowych. Trzeba wspomnieć, że przez obydwie swoje kadencje, Kwaśniewski bronił za pomocą weta prezydenckiego, interesów elity post-komunistycznej, na szkodę społeczeństwa polskiego.


Rola byłego prezydenta Kwaśniewskiego w sprawie tortur na obcokrajowcach w Polsce powinna być wyjaśniona za pomocą dochodzenia przez prokuraturę, w celu ustalenia czy i w jakim stopniu łamał on konwencje genewskie i w jakim stopniu kompromitował on dobre imię Polski. Ważne jest ustalenie szczegółów, w jaki sposób były prezydent, zgodził się na udział polskich strażników więziennych w torturach więźniów, przywożonych do Polski przez agentów CIA.


Świat - World

Prime Minister Brown: World economy needs a “global new deal”

Berlin European leaders meeting in Berlin, ahead of the April G20 Summit in London, agreed on the need for fundamental changes to the world’s economic systems.

At a joint press conference following the meeting, Prime Minister Gordon Brown called for a “global new deal” to aid the recovery of the world economy and provide a set of principles for a sound economic future.

The “grand bargain” would involve a global economic and fiscal stimulus, global financial control mechanisms and be based on sound banking principles, the Prime Minister said. It would require the strengthening of international financial institutions and help deliver a low-carbon economy, he added.


Prime Minister Brown said: […]

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Korespondencja z Tomska

Szanowna Redakcjo, 

Boynton Beach – Feb 1, 2009


Jestem historykiem, dziennikarzem, korespondentem paru europejskich, w tym także polskich gazet i magazynów, od 38 lat na emigracji w USA.


Wspieram wszystkie akcje niosące pomoc Organizacjom Polskim,szczególnie tym dzialającym na terenie byłego ZSRR. Poniższy mail z Tomska otrzymałem parę dni temu. Może by i Państwo dołączyli się do tej tak bardzo potrzebnej naszym Rodakom akcji.

Z poważaniem

Maciej Kaniewski

Boynton Beach FL.


email: [email protected]   


Świat - World

You Gotta Know When to Fold

By Richard N. Baldwin T. /

From Mexico

The title is from an old folk song about playing poker. And it is apropos to not only politics but current Mexican politics as well. The subject is México’s internal war on drug terrorism.

While recent approval ratings for president Calderón is still high (63% recently), this is more of an approval for his effort than results in the ongoing war. Consider the following:

Last year, the total deaths in the war were about 4,000. A record then. Now, in the beginning of December, we have passed 5,000. Another record. Assassinations in the single digits are hardly worth reporting in the press. Now the numbers are a dozen or more at a time. In the first week of December 13 teenagers were found killed, execution style along a rural road. And we are looking at more than 300 police assassinated this year. The numbers just keep going up.


Landings at Tarawa Source: - National Park Service - (National Archives, FMC- 21094
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139 Missing WWII Marines Found on Tarawa

Marathon FL – November 24, 2008 — During the early morning hours of 20 November 1943, Marines of the 2nd Marine Division mounted and amphibious attack against the Japanese stronghold of Betio Island, Tarawa Atoll, Gilbert Islands. The battle which lasted 72 hours would become infamous for the high number of casualties the Americans suffered. The sorrow was further compounded because many of the American bodies buried on the island were never recovered after the war.

[caption id="attachment_27425" align="alignnone" width="600"]Landings at Tarawa Source: - National Park Service - (National Archives, FMC- 21094 Landings at Tarawa Source: – National Park Service – (National Archives, FMC- 21094[/caption]

In November 2007, the History Flight organization of Marathon, Florida and the WFI Research Group of Fall River, Massachusetts agreed to a joint, privately funded venture to locate and return the bodies of our war dead to their families. With the financial support of the VFW, The American Legion, The Baddour Foundation, private individuals and History Flight board members the joint effort was able to bring a team of professional researchers, historians and ground penetrating radar specialists together to find 139 of the 541 missing Marines from The Battle of Tarawa.


John Poul II
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John Paul II – The Poet Pope

John Poul IIT’was 30 years ago that a wisp of white smoke wafted o’er the Vatican City and in a flash the Word circled ‘round the world.  “We have a non-Italian Pope, Karol Wojtyla of Poland!”  Almost immediately, Diana Kwiatkowski saw in Pope John Paul II “a poetic spirit with a powerful impact on the people of a troubled time as relayed by modern day poets.”

Inspired by the thought, she undertook to edit and publish an anthology, which took a year to gather.  In the introduction to the book, THE POET POPE (KAROL WOJTYLA) Pope John Paul II, (Gusto Press 1980), Ms. Kwiatkowski explained that “In this book, forty poets, from all walks of life, and many religions, and from many countries, including far-away India, write about the Pope, a fellow-poet Pope – who has touched not only the world, but themselves individually, and they show how the ordinary man and woman has been affected by this sensitive, humanistic, lovable, and at times, humorous man.”  She goes on to write, “Through the hearts and talents of 40 gifted contributors, we poetically present a portion of his life and work to you.”
